PULSE June 2018
Welcome to the PULSE! As Q2 ends, we bring you a bit of summer reading in the form of this quarter’s communications recap. Whether you’re beach-bound, sitting by the pool or just relaxing in the AC, our Thought Leadership posts and Vijay’s dynamic Friday Food for Thought posts will give you plenty to think about as […]
The EQ Factor: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters for Project Managers

By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions In a previous blog, I discussed the importance of assessing a candidate’s emotional intelligence (EQ) in the hiring practices of managers. Emotional intelligence has come to the forefront of our working environment, and today I’ll be expanding on the topic as it pertains to project managers. But first, […]
PULSE February 2017
Welcome to the PULSE! This quarter we share with you our hiring strategies as well as our views on building a workplace culture that can accommodate the needs of multiple generations. Take a quick break and scan our topics – we promise you’ll learn something new. Hope you are all enjoying the early spring! Sanjay […]
Beyond the Resume: Hiring the Best IT Employee

By Sanjay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions As the year kicks into gear, many organizations set their sights on bringing in new talent. But what goes into effective recruitment practices? What should employers be thinking about when it comes to hiring technology professionals in the year ahead? How does a hiring manager go about hiring […]